Realist Literature Teaching Resources

Teaching suggestions:

Here is my first day's lesson plan for realism in art and literature:
Lamar's introductory Realist lesson plan

And the PowerPoint presentation that went along with it, although you may want just to use Mary Ann's newly expanded website.
Lamar's introductory Realist PowerPoint

Here is my second day's lesson plan for realism in art and literature:
Lamar's second day Realist lesson plan

And the PowerPoint presentation that went along with it, although you may want just to use Mary Ann's newly expanded website.
Lamar's second day Realist PowerPoint

Some links that may be of use:

Gustave Flaubert

Gustave Flaubert 1821-1880

This site describes Flaubert's, Madame Bovary, as well as gives a brief bibliography.

Gustave Flaubert

This site features A Simple Heart, by Flaubert, and gives more biographical and search links.

Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin

Kate Chopin-Univeristy of Maryland.url
This site contains The Awakening and other short stories by Chopin.

Kate Chopin 1851-1904
More information and resources about The Awakening.

Kate Chopin's Home
This site contains Chopin's biography.

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Page created by Phil Wiechart